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Clients able to use the same email address as Husband/Wife

Some clients share an email address, for example husband and wife, so would be very useful to be able to add more than one client with the same email, but still have the correct name appear when approving a document.

  • Michelle Morton
  • Feb 27 2019
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Mike Turner commented
      February 27, 2019 12:37

      Hi Michelle, 

      This is an request that has come up in the past, unfortunately i dont believe technically we can achieve this. As how would we know who is logging in as they are using one login, also its not something i would like to encourage. 

      You could change their name in OS to Mr & Mrs if they used an shared address, my view would be that they use separate email addresses.