Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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Make output in accounts production dynamic

If we are viewing say Ltd company report but want to check/have a look at individual figures in TB, we simply cannot do so unless we close down the report first and then open TB. This is really time consuming and frustrating act. Viewing multiple windows should be incorporated in the system. I have used lots of other software and can vouch that they are far more dynamic than Iris.   

  • Guest
  • Feb 14 2019
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    • Guest commented
      February 14, 2019 17:06


      I was talking about lack of dynamism. I stated balance sheet report or TB as an example. My problem with Iris is that one cannot work on with multiple windows open. You need to close down one report/window if you want to start working on another stage.

    • Admin
      Alex John commented
      February 14, 2019 16:23

      Thank you for your comment. May I recommend you use the Interactive reports rather than the Standard reports, found under the same menu. At the top you are able to use the Trial Balance Drill Down to view the current and last year, even drilling into the postings and making amendments or additions, before returning to the report and refreshing it to consider any changes. Unfortunately the figures within the accounts do not necessarily tie up with a single account code in the trial balance, hence why the figures can't drill into the the trial balance directly. 

      You can also drill into the data screens to add notes or make changes. New notes can be added - select 'Show extended Report' to achieve this.

      By selecting highlighted descriptions, you can alter account and group headings directly.

      I hope this helps.