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Compare Data Function in Company Secretarial - Only retrieves the due date of the next Confirmation Statement

Please can the CHOS Comparison tool in Company Secretarial retrieve the CS01 made up to date from Companies House. Currently it only retrieves the next due date. The more crucial date to import is the made up to date, from which we can log the form to actually prepare the CS01.


It must be possible to do so, as when you create a new Ltd client by retrieving the data from Companies House, it does initially pull through the made up to date and due date. 


What would be even more clever is for the CHOS Comparison tool to operate in the background and log the next CS01 form automatically, provided the entry for the made up to date does not already exist.


This, combined with the new CS01 standard job would recently implemented would be a huge help.

  • Louis Evangelou
  • May 30 2019
  • Attach files
  • Louis Evangelou commented
    1 Jun, 2019 10:16am

    Perhaps an easier way to implement it would be - provided you have linked the 'automated job recurrence' stage in PM to the submission of the current CS-01, when the next job is automatically created, CoSec should log the next CS-01 form made up to date?

  • Admin
    Nick Lloyd commented
    30 May, 2019 11:31am

    Agreed Louis.  Nothing more to add here as it is described very well.

