Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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Archiving Data

As IRIS databases get larger and larger it would be good to have the functionality to delete old historical data.

  • Mike Keanly
  • Apr 22 2020
  • Attach files
  • Mike Keanly commented
    May 22, 2020 07:30


    As we have been using IRIS for more than 20 years there must be fees, timesheet, etc. data going back to when we first implemented IRIS. If we could have the option to set a period, say for instance 10 years, then we could run a process to archive all data older than 10 years to an archive database or even delete it as we are only required to keep data for 6 years plus the current years.


  • Admin
    Ben Webb commented
    April 27, 2020 08:04

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for using the ideas portal. Is there any particular data within the IRIS database that you would wish to archive?

    Also, as a business, are their a set of requirements that need to be met before the data can be archived and, if yes, what would they be?

    Many thanks,

    Ben Webb