Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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Link to Companies House on Practice Management basic screen

It would be great to have a button (say next to the registered number box) on the Practice Management Basic screen that links you to the company's profile on Companies House website. I presently cut and paste the company number into Companies House web page instead.

  • Lesley Cooper
  • Aug 24 2018
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    • Lesley Cooper commented
      August 24, 2018 09:36

      You learn something new everyday.  I didn't know you could compare Iris data against Companies House data in Company Secretarial.  This could be a very useful tool.  Thanks Alex

    • Admin
      Alex John commented
      August 24, 2018 09:15

      This is a good idea.

      Something that might help you, if using Company Secretarial you can enter company names, registration numbers or even post codes into the search box at the top to go direct to the Companies House database. You can also use the Client Data Review tool, under Client / Companies House Online Services to compare the data you hold within IRIS against that held at Companies House.