Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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Automail tag's from Trust Tax

We use automail to generate letters to clients with their tax return, and we import the amount of tax due (and any payments on account paid) from Personal Tax using the relevant tags. These tags do not exist for trust tax, so we cannot do this when sending a trust tax return to the client. Please could these be added, as we currently do this manually which is wasting time and potentially leading to transposition errors.

  • Matthew Oldfield
  • May 13 2020
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    • Jan Step commented
      July 11, 2024 15:39

      Dear Matthew - did you ever get an answer to this? If you did, please could you let me know if you managed to get the relevant Trust tags to work. Thank you

    • Admin
      Ben Webb commented
      June 01, 2020 10:55

      Hello Matthew,

      Thank you for using the ideas portal. Please can you let me know which trust tax data you would like to return?