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Fixed Asset Table Formatting

Our consolidated accounts show 5 categories of fixed assets plus a total which the system doesn't seem to be able to cope with. Rather than having just one table with all categories fitting across the page the software is splitting the table into two and showing the first 3 categories in the first table with the 4th, 5th and total in a separate table underneath. This looks poor and apparently can't be fixed without doing a free format table.

  • Guest
  • Jun 9 2020
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  • Admin
    Alex John commented
    June 02, 2021 14:59

    Unfortunately at the moment only a maximum of 5 columns can appear in notes with tables to allow for the maximum number of characters in a column. The reports will try to split evenly where possible so as not to show a column on its own. It may be possible in the future to show tables in landscape rather than portrait.