Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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Personal tax and Corporation tax Client Account to be updated automatically through HMRC retrieve

Pulling through from HMRC the payment of tax for personal and corporation tax and entering data (e.g. amounts, dates) into the client account.

Also to be able to see at a glance what tax liabilities are outstanding as per HMRC.

  • Louis Evangelou
  • Nov 22 2018
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    • Admin
      Jenny Strudwick commented
      December 12, 2018 11:48

      Hi Louis, we agree that this is something that we would love to include in the products, but we need HMRC to make this data available to us first. We have been asking for it for a number of years. Hopefully with the advancements HMRC are making with using APIs to share data with Software Vendors, this is something that might be achievable in the near future. We will continue to request it from HMRC.