Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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An Integrated Accounts Disclosure Checklist

At the moment we use a 3rd party checklist for accounts disclosure checking.  It would be great to have an IRIS integrated checklist that would make the process much more efficient.

  • sarah wilson
  • Apr 16 2019
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    • sarah wilson commented
      April 17, 2019 07:54

      Thanks, Data Screens seems to lend it self to  a pre-populated disclosure checklist and it seems a shame to have to buy one from a 3rd party if we could buy one from IRIS!

    • Admin
      Nick Lloyd commented
      April 16, 2019 18:17

      Hello Sarah,

      Thank you for the suggestion and I will certainly include this in our next ideas meetings.

      Currently the only solution we have in this area is with a link to My Work Papers.  Although I appreciate this isn't truly 'integrated' with the suite.