Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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Detailed report for trust returns

Ability to print the detailed entry report for trust returns.

  • Paul Dix
  • May 4 2020
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    • Clive Farquhar commented
      February 22, 2022 10:11

      We've been asking for this since 2019. It's a must have as far as we are concerned. Agree should be available for all returns including estates. can we have feedback please as a matter of urgency.

    • Best Tax services Ltd commented
      February 20, 2022 14:12

      Please can this be reviewed or at the least commented on by Iris/Taxfiler? These are important updates that we are requesting, not 'nice to have' ones.

    • Best Tax services Ltd commented
      December 20, 2021 14:31
      I have added a new Idea on 14th Dec 2021 (see below), it is not appearing on my ideas list. This idea is also what I have commented below.

      Thank you for submitting your idea: TF-I-333 All data included as data input to appear on the 'View detailed report' on data input page

      If I may add, I have noticed that the 'view detailed report' on the data input page does not pick up all the data that is actually entered in the data input stage. So the view detailed report is incomplete. What I am requesting is that the 'detailed report' should be a summary of everything that is entered as data input.

    • Best Tax services Ltd commented
      December 14, 2021 09:35

      I think this should apply to all returns. I have noticed that the 'view detailed report' on the data input page does not pick up all the data that is actually entered in the data input stage. So the view detailed report is incomplete. What I am requesting is that the 'detailed report' should be a summary of everything that is entered as data input.