Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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Show last years figures next to current year in all apsects of Personal tax including reports

Seeing last years figures on the same screen / report is valuable comparison

  • russell ball
  • Aug 23 2018
  • Planned
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    • Paul Dix commented
      May 04, 2020 15:17

      We requested this in 2016 - for us the usefulness is two-fold. Firstly, it allows you to do real-time variance analysis and sense checking, secondly it helps you not to miss things - like a P11d entry that was there last year..

    • russell ball commented
      August 29, 2018 12:15

      Jenny, it is mainly the ability to see last year for comparison on screen and on reports (tax comp, data report etc)

    • Amanda Godfrey commented
      August 29, 2018 11:57

      Viewing the figures on the inputting screen would be helpful.

    • Jonathan Dickenson commented
      August 24, 2018 14:17

      Maybe it would be useful for there  to be a variance report instead (i.e. comparing like for like, and the percentage different of each figure (the old 'pertax' software used to do this!)

    • sarah wilson commented
      August 24, 2018 10:19

      It would be great to viiew them at least, it just gives an instant check on variances.

    • Admin
      Jenny Strudwick commented
      August 23, 2018 12:42

      Hi Russell

      This is a great idea and something that we have looked at in the past, but always ran into difficulties with it. I would be really interested to know if your request is just the ability to see the previous years figures or also be able to access them and potentially even edit them whilst in that view, so saving you from having to close out and switch tax years?

    • +17