Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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Import from Xero - Allow entering credentials at import. Or Allow saving credentials per user

Currently if we want to import postings from Xero into Accounts we have to save Xero user credentials as a single global setting in Iris.

Unfortunately there are multiple problems with this approach:

  • The saved user must have access to ALL clients in Xero that we need to import.. this is not always the case.. especially if only certain members of staff are invited to the client.

  • If the saved user has Two Factor authentication turned on, then that one user is required to provide a code whenever anyone needs to import postings from Xero.

  • If the saved user doesn't have Two Factor authentication , then it presents a security risk having an unsecured login with access to a large number of clients.

A couple of options for solving this would be either to

  1. Allow users to enter their own credentials and 2FA code, at the time that they perform the import.. instead of automatically logging in with the saved global credentials.

  2. Allow users to save their own credentials with their Iris user, instead of using a global setting.

  • Andy Brewood
  • Jan 25 2021
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