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Import PSC data into Company Secretarial from Companies House automatically

When importing company data from Companies House, IRIS presents user with directors/secretaries and we can create these people as clients in the database.

Should have the ability to also import PSC data at the same time (and bridge with Director(s) if one and the same, which is often the case with one man band companies/close companies).

Currently this is still a manual process when adding a new company in the database, but I understand that the 'compare' feature can present the data as per Companies House - it would be great if you could take action in the suite.

Data fields that can be imported:

name, address, notified on, country of residence, date of birth, nature of control, nationality etc

Companies House API documentation at the weblink below suggests this is possible to retrieve the data:

  • Louis Evangelou
  • Mar 8 2019
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