Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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Option to share email/telephone details when sharing an address

Since the changes to the shared address were included in the April 22 release, its not possible to shared a telephone or email address and requires manually including it in other client records. An option when sharing address to also share the telephone and email address would be useful

  • Ben Webb
  • Oct 5 2022
  • Attach files
  • Yaqahhar com commented
    November 18, 2022 12:27

    3 Amazing Dua For Enemy Destruction

  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2022 07:46

    Always used to change on all linked companies/individuals but for some reason was removed.

  • Guest commented
    October 17, 2022 08:11

    I agree. That feature would be very useful and provide a more efficient record of vital information across those linked IRIS accounts.