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To Update the Justification reasons when changing the accounting period as they state Europe not United Kingdom as on the AA01.

The form AA01 cannot be ticked using the Justification reason as the Third reason here, " Aligning with parent company in Europe" does not agree with the 3rd reason on the AA01 form, "You are extending the Company's accounting reference period to align with that of a parent or subsidiary undertaking established in the United Kingdom.

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  • Mar 24 2023
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      Alex John commented
      June 02, 2023 10:02

      I have found out, the drop down was showing the 'Pre Brexit' reasons. This has been corrected and will be released in our Summer releases, 23.2 due out

    • Admin
      Alex John commented
      June 02, 2023 09:39

      The 'paper' AA01 is a form that Companies House produce, they do not have a separate option for Europe in this situation. I am investigating whether the XML is correct when submitted electronically however. I will add further comments when I know more.