Customer feedback & Ideas for IRIS

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We would like a back button availiable when completing a client search

Currently when searching for a client, you have to complete an entire new search rather than being able to go back.

  • Guest
  • Aug 24 2018
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    Simon Collen commented
    16 Jun, 2021 01:18pm


    I have taken over from Michael and I'm just looking at this issue. When I search for a client I have an X on the right of the seach box which deletes the search rather than having to do a new search or go back to the main screen.

    Do you have this option and will this resolve this issue for you? If not, or if I have misunderstood please can you explain this issue again for me.

    Kind regards

    Simon Collen

  • Gemma Southall commented
    19 Nov, 2019 04:55pm

    Any update on when this will be happening?

  • Katie Williams commented
    22 Jan, 2019 01:25pm

    That would be great, thank you. Happy to give some pointers on what we think may help if need be.

  • Mike Turner commented
    22 Jan, 2019 01:19pm

    Thanks Katie, after the April release i plan to review the user interface and workflows as i agree it needs some work. Once that starts ill reach out to you for feedback if thats okay.

  • Katie Williams commented
    21 Jan, 2019 05:32pm

    If you use OpenSpace, the lack of this function is so painful. This is needed to improve usability!

  • Mike Turner commented
    1 Nov, 2018 05:28pm

    Thanks Michael, will consider for the future to improve the navigation.