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Client User Edit option

Client User Edit option to be added back with notification being sent to modified account holder about changes.

If you want to correct mistyped name the only option is to remove and add client user again - which will generate confusing "Client Deleted" notification sent to our client and when added back it will require them to activate the account again.

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  • Mar 27 2019
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  • Mike Turner commented
    24 Oct, 2019 09:30pm

    This has been added now, so you can edit the name and suppress the delete email from being sent out.

    Louis with your comment we will get to at a later stage with IRIS elements.

  • Louis Evangelou commented
    30 Apr, 2019 12:10pm

    I would also suggest that changes are synchronised with the IRIS Suite. For example, changes in client references do not pull through currently. But something like this will not need an email notification to go out to the client.

  • Mike Turner commented
    1 Apr, 2019 10:53am

    Thanks for this, we have this planned ill come back to you with an ETA when possible.