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E checklist cannot be seen in Openspace on Ipad

We don't feel able to use e-checklists when your software does not allow them to be seen on an iPad. Clients will get a message to say that the checklist is there - but when they go to look for it - it is not there.

Surely that cannot be right - we would have so many annoyed clients ringing us up.

When is this going to be rectified please?

  • Wendy Crawford
  • Feb 13 2019
  • Planned
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    • Mike Turner commented
      August 28, 2019 14:57

      Hi Noel,

      I have emailed you, lets discuss so i want to ensure i understand this correctly.

    • Noel Flanagan commented
      August 28, 2019 14:47


      I too have reported client issues with being able to easily access OpenSpace (on whatever device they are using) and sometimes this has shifted the feeling from me saying ���Look at this great, new easy way to receive and improve documents��� to the client going back to ���why can���t we do this all the old way���. So much so, I have signed up for and paid for the new APP hoping that this will help resolve matters but contact from that side seems to have totally dried up.

      Kind regards,

      Noel Flanagan

      Office 01252 854330
      DDI 01252 854333
      Fax 01252 854331
      Mob. 07702 110255


      Website: [see website for Privacy Statement]
      J N Flanagan, Tax Advice & Solutions Ltd, Suite 17, The Granary, Hones Yard, 1 Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8BB. (Vehicle access from Broomleaf Road)
      40 Years Experience in Tax

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    • Mike Turner commented
      August 28, 2019 14:37

      Hi Steph,

      Apologies when i said confusion i meant from our team rather than you, because in the context of eChecklists it is not an apple restriction. With your iOS document approval comments make me think there are other issues going on so will need to pick that up with you separately.

      Yes, i agree and assure you this is a priority as we were planning on doing this a few months ago, however had to postpone it otherwise payments and document approvals would have issues for all customers so as you can understand this took the priority.

      Ill email you to discuss in more detail and will keep this updated for all customers who have reported this.

    • Guest commented
      August 28, 2019 14:26

      Hi Mike

      Thank you for the quick response.

      I do feel that waiting until March, after another tax season has passed, is a bit of long wait. I am sure that we are not the only firm of accountants that have clients that only use mobile devices. With the way that technology is moving surely this is something that you would, and we feel, should be escalated.

      We field a lot of calls from our clients frustrated that we are offering a service, that we were led to believe could be used on all devices (android and IOS), that they can���t use it because of the device that they are trying to access it on.

      I am also unsure where you feel the confusion is regarding the apple restriction. In the response I received your team clearly states ���This is an apple restriction���.

      A big part of our client base are one-man band companies that work overseas and therefore don���t always have access to a desktop computer.

      Also, a lot of our tax returns are approved and filed in late December and January and however much we try and plan ahead this will always be the case. For us having to tell a client just before the filing deadline that they can���t use the device they are using to access the online software is very frustrating not just for them but also for us.

      This isn���t just affecting our clients on the e-checklists this also seems to cover a lot of IOS devices that are unable to approve documents online.

      I would be grateful if you could keep us informed on any progress with this matter.



    • Mike Turner commented
      August 28, 2019 11:16

      Hi Steph, its not an apple restriction i think there might of been some confusion. Currently eChecklists is not supported on mobile view, clients can do the eChecklist if they view in desktop view on the iPad but its not really ideal.

      We did revisit this request a few months ago but we had some payments legislation and changes with our signing server which had a deadline. Will be looking into this in March.

      If you have more questions and feel its better to discuss on call/email let me know.

    • Guest commented
      August 27, 2019 09:24

      Hi, I was told last week that this is still the case and that it is an apple restriction, but lots of our clients use mobiles/tablets - is this still being worked on?

    • Mike Turner commented
      February 13, 2019 18:19

      Hi Wendy, the only workaround right now is to view OpenSpace on desktop view when using an iPad. Which i know isn't ideal and i agree that due to mobile/tablet ownership is on the rise its one we need to look into.

      We have a committed roadmap until April, so i will be reviewing these requests after April. 

      As soon as i have some kind of timeframe, ill update you on it.